I made a big mistake

31 Oct

When I was in high school I would write at my desk. While the other kids would you know, talk to each other and make friends, I would write in my spiral notebook the same story over and over. Different scenes or even the same ones with variations. Sometimes my teacher would ask why and I would tell them the same thing: I’m working on my book.

John Greens “The Fault in our Stars” took him ten years to write. J K Rowling worked on and of on Harry potter for ten years. Other authors would work on other books while that one master piece sat in the back of their brains, stewing over the years. Some books come to you naturally while others take time to make. 3rdlife is one of those.

When you have writers block, your supposed to work through it, throw your characters into new surroundings or play with the plot. I could do that but every word I write feels wrong. I’m forcing it when I want the time to go over what I’ve done. I this week I don’t look at what is the best chose to make but instead, what can I write to get it out on time. I want the time to make 3rdlife not just great, but good enough to read. I want a fair critic, not pointing out the flaws that I already know existed because I rushed to make it happen.

Every minute I write, I think of the other things that deserve my attention more. That rough draft that’s due next Friday, that take home midterm that was due an hour ago, that test I need to study for but don’t have the time. I want to be a writer, but i know my limits. right now is not the time to work on MY novel. Writing can not take up my time, because I have no time to give.

I started this blog to help me write and it had. I’m learning from all of your criticism because I’m proud of what I’m posting. I wanted 3rdlife to be next because I wanted to finally finish my great novel, but I realize that all good things come to those who waits.

What does this mean. There will be no chapter 1 for 3rdlife on this blog, at least not right now. Instead I’m switching things up. I have another book that I will be posting instead. It’s different from Nightlings in every way. I’ve actually already finished it, It just needs a few tweaks. I can post something and get feedback, because I’m not worried about it being underwritten. I want to post it chapter by chapter instead, because I’m proud of it.

Staring next week: The Swift Adventures

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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in Uncategorized


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